about us
Making Tech Accessible to Everyone

what is civic tech?Civic tech bridges the gap between the people and the government through technology.

It’s utilizing technology practices like design, engineering, data science, etc. to optimize the processes for civic organizations. Think about tools like tax filing portals and city transit apps.

"Those of us who work in civic tech want public digital goods to be as good as the ones made by commercial entities like Apple or Google—and we want public digital infrastructure to be as good, too."

Cyd Harrell, A Civic Technologist’s Practice Guide

What is Code 312?Code 312 operates like a pro-bono digital consultancy

Operating Shoulder-to-Shoulder

When we start a new project we typically partner up with a local organization. Since we aren't our users, this ensures we are effectively addressing the needs of the community and not operating from our own perspective as practitioners.

Establishing Our Process

We begin by identifying the needs of the organization, drafting a problem statement, and collaborating throughout the project to ensure needs are met.

Volunteer Work

Our process requires an army of volunteers of various skill sets who are all on a mission to improve technology for the people. Volunteers typically join to try out civic tech, network with like-minded people, and learn new skills.

Who are we?
Meet our Leadership Team