Be part of the change in your community

Start the process of joining one of our on-going projects.

Volunteer Expectations
Our culture is scrappy

We try our best to be organized, but we rely on our volunteers to shape how they want to contribute.

Attend Meetings

Attend Meetings

All project teams have a regular meeting schedule.

Don't ghost us

Don't ghost us

We know life happens so keep your team updated.

Take initiative

Take initiative

We work best when we fill in the gaps in the workflow.

Hand-Off Tasks

Hand-Off Tasks

When you can’t participate anymore then let us know!

Asynchronous Communication via Zoom

how do volunteers participate?We meet at least twice a month, and work asynchronously

We meet at least once a month in person and work asynchronously.

Asynchronous Communication via Zoom

What is the time commitment?Expect at least 1-4 hours a week

Aside from the meetings, members are responsible for how they want to spend their time on tasks. We know this isn’t your full time job so we expect volunteers to try their best.

Asynchronous Communication via Zoom

How long do projects last?Projects vary and timelines change

We operate on our volunteer’s capacity so our pace is slow. Depending on scope and volunteer contribution, we’ve completed projects anywhere between 3 months and 1 year.

How can you contribute?
Our teams are cross-functional and operate in different industries

We use design thinking to resolve technical challenges.

Data Analysts

Data Analysts

Use data tools (e.g. SQL) to gather, clean, and interpret data.



From React to PostgreSQL, help us on the front and back-end.



We facilitate the entire design-thinking process from UX to UI.



Talk to actual users to help us validate our solutions.



We need people behind the scenes to keep us organized.

Project Managers

Project Managers

Talk to our partners and manage the project teams.

Product Managers

Product Managers

Identify which features to implement and plan work.

Step 1
Ready to join? Start with these tasks

Active Projects

Active Projects

Check out the projects that are actively recruiting volunteers.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Review and agree to our code of conduct.

Join Our Slack

Join Our Slack

Check out our Slack where all of our collaboration happens.

Step 2
Complete our onboarding form

The form gathers basic info like about you, your availability, your skillsets, and what role you'd like to have at Code312. Once you submit this form, someone will review your response within 7 days and follow-up with you in Slack.